2017年10月31日 星期二

Advanced Video Search on YouTube with Simple Commands

As you can see from the screenshot above, you can use the 4 groups of options:
  1. Sorting (by relevance, date, view count and rating);
  2. Date frame (you can see videos which were uploaded today, this week or this month);
  3. Result type (channel, playlist, movie, show or 3D);
  4. Quality (HD, closed captions, long videos, videos from partners, creative commons, live broadcasts)

2017年10月13日 星期五

安全游,我最水—暑假玩水,最好玩 用快樂的聲音,美麗的海景,溪水,湖泊,浪花,天空與山邊景色圖片,說明玩水好玩,但要注意安全。用報紙新聞警示我們水可愛但亦無情。謝謝大家!

安全游,我最水—暑假玩水,最好玩 用快樂的聲音,美麗的海景,溪水,湖泊,浪花,天空與山邊景色圖片,說明玩水好玩,但要注意安全。用報紙新聞警示我們水可愛但亦無情。謝謝大家!

Add any other parameters to the URL (see below)

HTML YouTube Videos

<iframe width="420" height="315"

HTML YouTube Videos HTML YouTube Videos

1. 系統架構設計規劃與建置(JAVA-based System)

1. 系統架構設計規劃與建置(JAVA-based System)

個案對照研究法(case-control study), 雙盲實驗(double-blind)

個案對照研究法(case-control study),

2017年9月23日 星期六

iot.exe Step


  1. Download iot.exe file.
  2. Upload it to your website.
  3. Create a new database.
  4. Go to iot.exe
  5. Fill in the form with the required information.
  6. Success! You have successfully Flarum forum beta 7.

2017年8月25日 星期五